Tuesday, February 21, 2012


BEAUTY : Send photos, paintings, drawings or texts of people, animals, places, objects or situations.
Web exhibition at http://www.beautysid.blogspot.com
Offensive subjects will be rejected
No Return
Deadline: September 30, 2012
info: sidtome@yahoo.com.br
ADDRESS: Sidney Tome - R. Pedro de Godoi, 269 – Gardenia 123 – São Paulo – Brasil – 03138-010

BELEZA : Enviem fotos, pinturas, desenhos ou textos de pessoas, animais, objetos, locais ou situações.

Exibição na web em http://www.beautysid.blogspot.com
Conteúdos ofensivos serão rejeitados
Sem devolução

Limite: 30 de Setembro de 2012

info: sidtome@yahoo.com.br

ENDEREÇO: Sidney Tome - R. Pedro de Godoi, 269 – Gardenia 123 – São Paulo – Brasil – 03138-010

Monday, February 20, 2012

The return

After almost 3 years (the time when diabetis was discovered in our daughter), the creation of a page in Facebook few days ago changed my mind an I decided to return.

I apologise for the friends I missed all these years, so, now I want all of them trading works with me.